World Class Permit Fishing!
Florida Keys Permit fishing
Fishing for permit has resulted in more pulled out hair, broken rods, and shattered spirits than any other species in the Keys. The delicacy it takes to get one of these plate-sized beauties to bite is that of a professional angler, and everyone that loves fishing should put their skills to the test at least once. Be prepared, though, as “Permit Fever” is a highly contagious, hazardous, and infectious disease! Hard fighting, spooky, picky, and overall paranoid permit are the ultimate test for any angler. They are harsh critics of lures, flies, and bait alike, and will give you honest feedback when you make a cast to them. In the Keys, it is not uncommon to find permit tailing, cruising, in large schools, or by themselves on the flats. There is nothing better than tricking a permit, as they are the Holy Grail of the flats for a reason, it takes a great angler to trick one.
Fly Fishing for Permit-
Best times of the year to Fish for permit in the Florida Keys- Permit can be caught year round in the Florida keys with some months offering better opportunities. Feb, March are great months as permit begin to congregate on the flats heavily at this time to feed and group up before heading offshore to spawn. April, May till mid June can slow down a bit with many fish moving offshore to spawn on the deeper wrecks. Fishing for permit these months inshore and in the backcountry may result in a fewer chances but with not as many ppl fishing for them they can be aggressive. Late June and July are great months again as permit begin to migrate inshore and into the backcountry after spawning. August is also a good month although it can be hot so early mornings and late evenings are the best. Septembert and October are my favorite months as permit are abundant and fishing pressure is at its lowest of the year. Nov, Dec and Jan can all offer shots permit fishing but the weather is key. When we get a good stretch of stable warm weather permit sometimes show back up on the flats before the next front arrives. Permit are a very spooky fish and opportunities come quick. Practicing your casting at all ranges and being able to deliver your fly quickly and accurately is paramount while fly fishing for permit.
Fly Rods: 9-10 weight rods matched with an appropriate fly line and reel. These sizes of fly rods work well as many of the flies we throw are heavily weighted. All flies, leaders, and fly rods are available for you on my charters. I use top of the line Sage and Redington fly rods. I have both right and left hand retrieve reels available.
Spin Fishing for Permit-
If fly fishing isn’t your thing sight fishing permit on spin is a great way to try and catch a trophy permit. Although permit often eat a well presented live crab or shrimp quicker than a fly, spin fishing for permit still requires accurate casts and perfect presentations. A typical day of sight fishing permit on spin involves a fun day of flats fishing hunting tailing, floating and waking fish.