Come Chase the Silver King!
Tarpon fishing in the Florida Keys
You are likely familiar with the endless highlight reels on TV, the full color magazine spreads, and all the stories from your fishing buddies. Tarpon are acrobats, heartbreakers, and powerful torpedoes that swim in shallow water, making the silver king an apt nickname for the fish that leaves so many completely speechless and addicted after one interaction with them! There is a reason the Florida Keys is such a vital highway for the migration of tarpon - the warm Gulf water mixing with the Atlantic creates a perfect backroad for an annual migration of these goliath, beautiful fish. Every year, thousands travel from around the world for a chance to marvel at the strength, beauty, and mysticism of this creature. You have no excuse to skip...life is short, go chase tarpon!
Fly Fishing For tarpon
Tarpon especially resident fish from 5-30lbs are available to fly casters year round in the Marathon area with some months being better than others. June - Oct are my favorite time to chase juvenile tarpon but depending on weather anytime of year can offer great baby tarpon fishing. Chances at adult tarpon are also possible year round with mid April through mid June offering the most consistent opportunities. Earlier in the migration the Backcountry and Everglades national park are the best bet at laid up tarpon. Around mid April Tarpon will start swimming the ocean side beaches and flats offering a knee knocking experience casting at singles, small groups and large meatballs of adult tarpon while on their migratory path. I have no problem helping fly anglers work on there casting while on the water but being able to double haul and the ability to make quick accurate casts goes a long way in having a successful day fishing for tarpon. Practice or taking a lesson before coming down is a great way to be prepared for these challenging fish. If my schedule allows I can offer casting lessons at our community park in Marathon the evening before our trip.
Fly Rods: 8-12 weight rods matched with an appropriate fly line and reel. 8-9wt rods are preferred for baby tarpon with the 11-12wts the best choices for adult fish. All tackle, flies and leaders are provided on fly fishing trips and I use only top of the line Winston Alpha and Airsalt fly rods. I can provide right hand retrieve reels upon request. all anglers are more than welcome to bring their own rods and reels.